26 February 2009

Best New Party Game: Backwards Movies

"If you watch the movie JAWS backwards,
it's a movie about a shark that keeps throwing up people
 until they have to open a beach." - from Reddit


J. Astro said...

that's beeee-yoo-itful. I will never be able to watch JAWS again without thinking of that. :D

Soiled Sinema said...

Oh my god. That's actually hilarious

Bloody Mary said...

The "party game" aspect is to continue thinking up what other movies would be described backwards, but I haven't come up with anything clever yet...

Anonymous said...

]"If you watch the movie THE DESCENT backwards,it's a movie about a group of cave dwellers that bring a group of women to life so that they can clime out of the caves and find a husband."

street music said...

Save the baby!!!!!!